Sunday 24 April 2011

wardrobes and chairs

We have had some lovely weather, so have been making the most of being able to work outside.

We came by this beautiful wardrobe which was destined for the dump! Sometimes, we simply can't believe what people will happily throw away.

Here at Chic2Chic, we are very passionate about being as environmentally friendly as we possibly can be, so being able to save this piece and move it on to a good home is very important for us.

It was so pretty, we sold it simply as it you see it here. Needless to say, once we had advertised it people were close to breaking our arms for it.
We are happy that it has gone to a good home, where it will be used and loved for many years to come.

Also, we have acquired 4 of these tired but sound wheel back chairs. There are several options available; we can strip them and refinish as they are now. Or give them the Annie Sloan treatment with paint and a shabby finish, perhaps using two colours.

I personally have a real passion for chairs. I love to think about what they have seen in their lifetime. How many bums have sat on them, how many children have been sent to sit on one of them whilst in disgrace, and of course how many more have been given praise on one of them. How many letters have been written whilst sat on one them, and how many dinner parties have gone on into the early hours whilst sat on one of them.
I believe that chairs have stories to tell, and revitalising them and sending them back out into the world to start a life a-fresh is a wonderful thing to be able to do.

Sadly, chairs seem to come second place to whatever they sit around or under. And yet without them, that table or desk would be almost unusable. So try to give a little thought to that poor, neglected chair the next time you scrape its feet across the floor or dump yourself into it without a second thought.
And if you have some hanging around which look tired, or unloved, why not send us a picture and see what ideas we could come up with to match or compliment them to your new interior decor. 

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