Monday 2 May 2011

Dining table.

We recently came across this two-a-penny dining table which can be found in just about every pine furniture store in existence. And paid a fiver for it! 

It's one redeeming feature is it's pedestal!!! It's such a chunky substantial example that we felt we could give the whole thing a new lease of life.

We have faithfully stuck with Annie Sloan Chalk Paint, deciding to use a mix of Emperors Silk and Primer red for the pedestal, and an old ochre mix for the top.

Now, we know that alot of people wont like the
colour mix we have chosen, but painted kitchens are becoming increasingly popular, and red appears to be one of the most favoured colours.

We think that if marketed right, it will be the ideal table to have in one of these types of kitchen.


  1. Its so fun turning something boring and ordinary into something neat and unique! I can't wait to see the finished result!

  2. Thanks for that! I hope you like it...and if you have any ideas for what else might look good, do let us know. We love it when other people get involved, it also allows us the opportunity to make sure we are creating things which people will actually like. :)


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